Thank you for choosing the orthopedic surgery service at the Veterinary Surgery Specialists. Please fill out the following fields. Items with an asterisk (*) are required.
Client's Name *
Address *
Primary phone number *
Secondary phone number
Email *
Patient Name *
Approximate date of birth *
Approximate weight (in pounds) *
Species *
Sex *
Are they *
Breed *
Color *
Primary veterinarian's name *
Primary veterinarian's clinic name *
Primary veterinarian's phone number *
What is the primary medical concern to address at this appointment? *
Which limbs are affected (check all that apply) *
Has a veterinarian diagnosed this condition? *
Are you interested in pursuing surgery for your pet, if recommended by us? *
What treatments have been tried so far to address this condition (include medications, procedures, etc., as applicable)? *
When did this issue begin for your pet? *
Was there a known injury that caused this issue? *
What other health concerns does your pet have? *
Please attach your pet's medical records here if available *
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One fine body…